惟善出席德国埃朗根纽伦堡大学举办“Prophecy and Foretelling of Destiny inBuddhism”工作访并发表论文 - 中国人民大学 - 佛教与宗教学理论研究所 
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惟善出席德国埃朗根纽伦堡大学举办“Prophecy and Foretelling of Destiny inBuddhism”工作访并发表论文

点击数:1167 更新时间:2019-11-30 14:14:50

2019年11月19—20日,我所惟善副教授应邀出席德国埃朗根纽伦堡大学举办“Prophecy and Foretelling of Destiny inBuddhism”工作访,并发表论文“Prophecies of the future of the Buddha’s Disciples in Early Buddhism”。


Prophecy and Foretelling of Destiny in Buddhism

19-20 November 2019


Mario Poceski (IKGF Visiting Fellow, University of Florida)


Rolf Scheuermann (IKGF, FAU Erlangen)

Workshop Venue

IKGF Seminar Room, Building D1
Hartmannstr. 14
91052 Erlangen


The workshop explores the nature, scope, and function of predictions about the future in Buddhism. The presentations cover a spectrum of Buddhist traditions, including Theravada and other traditions that developed in South, Inner, and East Asia. They also explore a range of themes and focus on diverse primary sources, such as major scriptures, other canonical texts, and monastic hagiographies. 

For more information, please contact Rolf Scheuermann (rolf.scheuermann@fau.de).



Poster Flyer            



Please register for this workshop until 8 November 2019 using this link.



19 November, 2019

9:30 a. m.Opening Remarks and Introductions
Michael Lackner (Director IKGF, FAU Erlangen) and Mario Poceski (IKGF Visiting Fellow, University of Florida)
10:00 a. m.Prophecies about the Future of the Buddha's Disciples in the Agāmas and Nikāyas
Wei Shan (Renmin University)
11:00 a. m.Coffee Break
11:30 a. m.Where Next? Reading the Signs to the Next Rebirth in Theravada Manuals
Kate Crosby (King's College London)
12:30 p. m.Lunch Break
2:00 p. m.Mongols' Reinterpretations of Indian Buddhist Eschatology
Vesna Wallace (University of California, Santa Barbara)
3:00 p. m.Tibetan Prophecies as Rhetorical Tools, Certificates of Authenticity, and Aids to Decision-making
Per Sörensen (University of Leipzig)
4:00 p. m.Coffee Break
4:30 p. m.Buddhist Heterochronology: How to Bring Past and Future Face to Face?
Eugene Wang (Harvard University)

20 November, 2019

9:30 a. m.Buddha's Prophecies in the Lotus Scripture
Zu Guang (Minnan Buddhist College)
10:30 a. m.Coffee Break
11:00 a. m.Prophecy in Chinese Buddhist Historiography
John Kieschnick (Stanford University)
12:00 p. m.Lunch Break
1:30 p. m.Prophecies about Women's Spiritual Attainment in the Chinese Buddhist Scriptures
Dixuan Yujing Chen (Grinnell College)
2:30 p. m.Typology of Predictions in the Gaoseng zhuan and the Xu gaoseng zhuan
Christoph Anderl (University of Ghent)
3:30 p. m.Coffee Break
4:00 p. m.Final Discussion
Chair: Mario Poceski


International Consortium for Research in the Humanities

"Fate, Freedom and Prognostication. Strategies for Coping with the Future in East Asia and Europe."

Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg
Hartmannstr. 14
91052 Erlangen
Telefon: +49 (0)9131 85 - 64340
Fax: +49 (0)9131 85 - 64360
E-Mail: petra.hahm@fau.de

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  • 方立天教授


  • 张风雷教授

    教授、博导,所长。研究方向: 佛教与中国传统哲学,尤其致力于中国佛教天台宗及魏晋南北朝佛教思想史研究。

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