中国人民大学哲学院"青年哲学论坛" (第20 次报告 2010年11月3日) 报告题目:Chinese Buddhist Nuns: An Exemplary Case 中国比丘尼研究 报告人:Ann Heirman 安海漫教授 比利时Ghent University根特大学汉学系主任 时 间:11月3日(周三)下午2:30-4:30 地 点:中国人民大学人文楼6层哲学院会议室 报告提纲Abstract: When, according to tradition, the first Buddhist nun, Mahaprajapati, entered the Buddhist community, she accepted eight fundamental rules which make the nuns’ order institutionally dependent upon the monks’ order. One of these rules says that a full ordination ceremony of a nun must be carried out in both orders, this is first in the nuns’ order, and then in the monks’ order (a so-called dual ordination). It implies that in the absence of a nuns’ order, women cannot be fully ordained. Today, this is generally the case in two of the three active vinaya traditions, the Mulasarvastivada tradition based in Tibet, and the Southeast Asian Pali Theravada tradition. Attempts to revive a women’s ordination in these traditions are numerous. In the debates, the introduction of a full ordination for women in fifth century China, carried out with the help of Sinhalese nun witnesses, is often referred to. In this paper, the conditions of the first dual ordinations in China and the reactions upon it by early Chinese vinaya masters are examined and compared to the arguments used in present-day debates. |