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佛教圖書館館訊 第二十期 88年12月


英國布里斯托大學神學與宗教研究所博士生 釋自軒




  儘管在西元前四世紀亞歷山大王時,印度已為希臘所知,但約西元三世紀時,「佛教」一詞才首度出現於希臘的文獻裡,而西方傳教士最早到亞洲與佛教接觸約是十三世紀時。十六至十八世紀間,雖然在一些傳教士的報告和信件中記載著有關佛教的知識,但是這些資料大部分仍未被整理,它們還是以原始手稿文件存放在圖書館裡,即使被編輯過的,也沒有註解。因此,到底在這段時間歐洲對佛教的認識及其正確性有多少,並不是很清楚;而且傳教士到東方,他們對佛教的認識是透過觀察,以及和僧人討論的方式,很少是經由對佛教文獻的研究,這種方式也很難對佛教思想有一清楚的概念。De Jong認為佛教並不像其他宗教,如果沒有完全地研究它的聖典,是無法加以了解的(註4)。

  在十六至十八世紀,西方對佛教的知識是來自西藏。因為在十六世紀末,耶穌傳教士們認為耶穌住在西藏,所以他們去到了西藏;他們學藏文,編藏文字典與翻譯藏文的作品。相較於藏文,巴利文與梵文的佛教資料是到十九世紀才開始被研究(註5)。上座部的巴利經典雖是為西方學者所知的第一部佛教作品,但在1837年,B. H. Hodgson於尼泊爾發現梵文的手稿後,梵文的大乘經典也曾引起注意,然1881年,T. W. Rhys Davids成立巴利佛教聖典協會(Pali Text Society)後,著重於巴利聖典的翻譯(註6),巴利聖典於是成為研究的主流。以下是近二百年來有關戒律研究的發展趨勢。



巴利律 梵文本律典 漢譯本律典
1. 十九世紀末始,歐洲學者開始巴利語言學的研究。主要是以編輯與翻譯巴利律為主。    
1900 1. 以戒律資料探討有關結集與佛陀入滅年代的問題。
2. 二十世紀前半(1938年起),英國學者Horner將巴利藏全部英譯,對律藏研究產生極大的影響。
1940 1. 有關原始佛教僧院制度、生活或儀式的分析與探討。(註7)
2. 日本學者對戒律研究的興起。(註8)
3. 出現以比較研究方法的戒律著作。(註9)

1. 開始出現有關戒律的研究成果與文獻介紹。(註10)
2. 佛教戒律與其他宗教的比較。(註11)
3. 特定戒條與內容探討。(註12)
4. 律藏資料在其他學科的應用:政治學、社會學、人類學、考古學、法律與教育等。(註13)
5. 戒律專有術語的研究。(註14)



1. Prebish, Charles S., 'Recent Progress in Vinaya Studies', in Studies in Pali and
  Buddhism, Narain A. K. (ed.), (Delhi, 1979).



2. Hu-von Hinuber, Haiyan, A Survey of Recent Studies on Early Vinaya (1977-1997),
  Freiburg (出版中).

3. Oksar von Hinuber, A Handbook of Pali Literature, (Berlin, 1996).


4. Prebish, Charles S., A Survey of Vinaya Literature, (Taipei, 1994).


5. Jampa Tsedren Bhiku, A Brief Survey of the Vinaya, (Hamburg, 1992).


6. Norman, K. R., Pali Literature, (Wiesbaden, 1983).


7. Conze, Edward, Buddhist Scriptures a Bibliography, Lancaster, Lewis (ed. and
  revised), (New York & London, 1982).


8. Yuyama, A., Systematische Ubersicht uber die Buddhistische Sanskrit-Literature: Teil 1:
  Vinaya, 1979, (A Systematic Survey of Buddhist Sanskrit Literature, Part 1 : Vinaya).


9. Lamotte, E., History of Indian Buddhism, Sara Webb-Boin tr., (法文版, 1958; Louvain, 1988
  , 英文版).

10. Banerjee, A. C., Sarvastivada Literature, (Calcutta, 1957).


11. Law, Bimala Churn, A History of Pali Literature, 2 vols., (Calcutta, 1933; reprinted
  Varanasi, 1983).

12. Winternitz, M., History of Indian Literature, 2 vols., (Calcutta, 1933).

13. Nanjio, B. (ed.), A Catalogue of the Chinese Translation of the Buddhist Tripitaka, (
  Classics India Publication, 1989).

14. Ui, Hakuju等, A Complete Catalogue of the Tibetan Buddhist Canons, (Sendai, 1934).


  律藏是三藏之一,在現有完整的以巴利文(註15)、中文及藏文保存的律藏,其結構與內容並不完全相同。巴利律藏在書寫成文字與編輯後,在現有形式的巴利律藏裡並沒有像漢譯與藏譯的律藏,含有單獨的比丘、比丘尼戒經與羯磨儀軌的部分(註16)。因此,戒經是否算是巴利律藏中的一部分,至今學者仍有不同的意見。學者S. Dutt(註17)、Rhys Davids、Oldenberg(註18)和Winternitz(註19)認為戒經並不是巴利律藏中的一部分,因為它不在現存的巴利律藏內。(註20)但Dhirasekera引覺音的《長阿含註釋》(DA.I.17)與《善見律毘婆沙論》(I.18)(註21),主張戒經也是三藏內容之一(註22)。因為有不同意見,學者乃以「似聖典的戒律文獻(para-canonical Vinaya literature)」和「非/後聖典的戒律文獻(non-canonical/ post-canonical Vinaya literature)」來涵蓋所有現有存在的有關巴利戒律的各種文獻資料。戒經與羯磨資料乃歸屬於para-canonical Vinaya literature,而律藏註釋書和一些屬於戒律方面的零散文獻,就被歸入屬於non-canonical Vinaya literature的分類中。但就漢譯與藏譯的三藏,戒經與律藏註釋書皆納入律藏內。(如表格內陰影所示)


  有關律藏的文獻資料,以下將依經分別(巴Suttavibhanga,梵Sutravibhanga)與波羅提木叉戒經(巴Patimokkha sutta,梵Pratimoksa sutra)與犍度(巴Khandhaka,梵Skandhaka)三部分的原典、譯著與註釋書分別作介紹。



1. 巴利律

巴:Oldenberg, H. (ed.), The Vinaya Pitaka, 5 vols., (London, 1879-83).(註24)

  屬於經分別的部分是第三冊與第四冊。巴利聖典協會(Pali Text Society)於1996年出版一冊《巴利律藏索引》(Index to the Vinaya-Pitaka)由K. R. Norman、M. Yamazaki和Y. Ousaka編輯。

  CD-ROM:(1) PALITEXT 由泰國法身寺出版。

      (2) Chattha Sangayana由Vipassana Research Institute出版。



(1) Oldenberg, H. & Rhys Davids, T. W. (tr.), Vinaya Texts, 3 vols., (Oxford, 1881-85).

(2) Horner, I. B. (tr.), The Book of the Discipline, 6 vols., (London, 1938-66). (註25)


(3) 釋若學比丘尼, Problems in the Pali Bhikkhuni Vinaya : A Thematic Study in Comparative
  Perspective, (1999牛津大學博士論文,出版中).

  比丘尼戒:波羅夷:1, 2, 3, 4.
       僧伽婆尸沙:2, 5, 6.
       波逸提:11-14; 61-83.

日:上田天瑞譯,《南傳大藏經》,(高楠博士功績記念會編譯,1936)。律藏部分共有五冊,卷 1-5。


2. 出世間部

梵:Roth, G. (ed.), Bhiksuni-Vinaya : Manual of Discipline for Buddhist Nuns, Tibetan
  Sanskrit Series vol. XII, (Patna, 1970).


    此梵文本包括:(1) 八敬法:T.1425, 471a25-476b8;(2) 整個比丘尼的經分別:T.1425,
  514a22-544c10;(3) 比丘尼的雜跋渠法:T.1425, 544c11-549a2;及部分比丘的雜跋渠法:T.1425
  , 426b, 442b, 446c, 455b, 464b, 478b, 483b, 485c, 488b, 493c, 495b, 496c, 497b, 499a。

英:Hirakawa, A. (trans.), Monastic Discipline for the Buddhist Nuns : An English Translation
  of the Chinese Text of the Mahasanghika-Bhiksuni-Vinaya, (Patna, 1982).


法:Nolot, Edith (trans.), Regles de Discipline des Nonnes Bouddhistes : le Bhiksunivinaya
  de l'ecole Mahasamghika-Lokottaravadin, (Paris, 1991).


3. 有部律

梵/德:Rosen, Valentina (ed. and trans.), Der Vinayavibhanga zum Bhiksupratimoksa der
    Sarvastivadins : Sanskritfragmente nebst einer Analyse der chinesischen Ubersetzung
    , (Berlin, 1959).


梵/法:Filliozat, J. and Kuno, H. (eds.), 'Fragments du Vinaya des Sarvastivadin', Journal
    Asiatique (1938), pp. 21-64.

      比丘經分別中眾學法的第76-102條斷片(T.1435, 138c2-140b18)與部分受具足戒法犍度(
    T.1435, 148b1-149c10)。

梵/德:Waldschmidt, E. (ed.), 'Ein Textbeitrag zur Udayana-Legende', in Nachrichten der
    Akademie der Wissenschaften no.5 (Gottingen, 1968), pp. 99-125.

      此相當於比丘廣律T.1435, 124c20-126c10。


1. 巴利律


巴:Takakusu, J. and Nagai, M. (ed.), Samantpasadika (Vinaya-atthakatha, by Buddhaghosa),
  8 vols, (London, 1924-47).

    此套註釋書共有八冊,第八冊是索引Index to the Samantpasadika由H. Kopp編輯(London,

英:Jayawickrama, N. A. (ed.), The Inception of Discipline and the Vinaya Nidana, (1962,
  reprinted; London : PTS, 1986).

    此書只是Samantpasadika的部分翻譯。相當於《善見律毘婆沙》T.1462, vol.24, 643b

漢:《善見律毘婆沙》(T.1462, 24. 僧伽跋陀羅譯)。


英:Shan-Chien-P'i-P'o-Sho, A Chinese Version by Saghabhadra of Samanta-pasadika,
  Commentary on Pali Vinaya, Translated into English for the first time, by Bapat, P.V.
  & Hirakawa, A., (Poona : Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute, 1970).


  除了以上提到的之外,南傳長老比丘們(錫蘭、緬甸)著有不少關於戒律的註釋書,詳見Oksar von Hinuber, A Handbook of Pali Literature, p. 8。


(1) Vajirananavarorasa, Krom Phraya, The Entrance to the Vinaya (Vinayamukha), 3 vols.,
  (Bangkok, 1969-83).

    此書雖以解釋比丘戒律為主,其間略談比丘尼僧團的開始(vol.1, pp. 142-143)與其受戒(
  見vol. 3, pp. 252-269)。

(2) Thanissaro Bhikkhu, The Buddhist Monastic Code, (1994).




梵:梵文  英:英文  德:德文  巴:巴利文
法:法文  日:日文  漢:中文
JBRS:Journal of the Bihar Research Society
JIABS:Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies
JOAS:Journal of the American Oriental Society
JPTS:Journal of the Pli Text society


註3:De Jong, A Brief History of Buddhist Studies in Europe and America, (Delhi, 1976), p. 5
   ;reprinted by Kosei pub. 1998.
註4:同註3, pp. 5-11.
註5:同註3, p. 13.
註6:Norman K. R., 'The value of the Pali tradition', in Collected Paper III, (PTS, 1992),
   p. 33.
註7:1. Dutt, S., Early Buddhist Monachism, (London, 1924; 1984 reprinted Delhi).
   2. Horner,I. B., Women Under Primitive Buddhism, (London : Routledge & Kegan Paul,
    1930; reprint Delhi : Motilal Barnasidass, 1975).
   3. Bhagvat, D. N., Early Buddhist Jurisprudence, (Poona, 1939).
   4. Sing, M. M., 'Life in the Buddhist Monastery during the 6th Century B.C', JBRS XL
    (1954), pp. 131-154.
   5. Dutt, S., Buddhist Monks and Monasteries in India, (London, 1962).
   6. Misra, G. P., The age of Vinaya, (Delhi, 1972).
   7. Olivelle, Patrick, The Origin and the Early Development of Buddhsit Monachism, (
    Colombo, 1974).
   8. Holt, J., 'Ritual Expression in the Vinayapitaka : A Prolegomenon', History of
    Religion 18 (1978), pp. 42-53.
   9. Dhirasekara, J., Buddhist Monastic Discipline, (Colombo, 1981).
   10. Holt, J. C., Discipline : The Canonical Buddhism of the Vinayapitaka, (Delhi, 1981).
   11. Wijayaratna, Mohan, Buddhist Monastic Life : According to the Texts of the
     Theravada Tradition, Grangier, C. & Collins, S. (trans.), (Cambridge, 1990).
       此書原是法文之作(書名:Le Moine Bouddhiste Selon les Textes du Theravada, 1983
   12. Wijayaratna的另一著作是Les Moniales Bouddhistes : Naissance et Developpement du
     Monachisme Feminin. (Paris, 1991)。這是一本以巴利律比丘尼戒律為主的法文著作。
註8:日文著作詳見Prebish, Charles S., A Survey of Vinaya Literature, (Taipei, 1994),
   pp. 131-132.
註9:1. Pradhan, P., 'The First Parajika of the Dharmaguptaka-Vinaya and the Pali Sutta-
     Vibhanga', Visva-Bharati Annals, vol. 1 (1945).
   2. Pachow, W., A Comparative Study of the Pratimoksa Sutra : On the Basis of its
    Chinese, Tibetan, Sanskrit & Pali Versions, (Santiniketan, 1955).
   3. Chang, Kun, A Comparative Study of the Kathinavastu, (The Netherlands : Mouton & Co.
    , 1957).
   4. Chanana, Dev Raj, 'The Vinaya Pitaka and Ancient Indian Jurisprudence', JBRS XLIV
    , 1-2 (March-June, 1958), pp. 22-36.
   5. Barua, R. B., 'Comparative Study of the Bhikkhu and Bhikkhuni Vibhangas' in Haq M. E.
    Dacca (ed.), Muhammad Shahidullah Felicitation Volume (Aspak Publication, Nr. 17, 1966),
    pp. 69-80.
   6. Prebish, C. S., Buddhist Monastic Discipline : The Sanskrit Pratimoksa Sutras of the
    Mahasanghikas and Mulasarvastivadins, (The Pennsylvania State University Press, 1975).
   7. Kabilsingh, Chatsumarn, A Comparative Study of Bhikkhuni Patimokkha, (Varanasi, 1984).
   8. Prasad, M., A Comparative Study of Abisamacarika, (Patna, 1984).
   9. Tsomo, Karma Lekshe, Sisters in Solitude : Two Traditions of Buddhist Monastic Ethics for
    Women -- A Comparative Analysis of the Chinese Dharmagupta and the Tibetan
    Mulsarvastivada Bhiksuni Pratimoksa Sutras, (New York, 1996).
   10. Chung, In Young, A Buddhist View of Women : A Comparative Study of the Rules for
     Bhiksuni and Bhiksus Based on the Chinese Pratimoksa, (Berkeley, 1995 MA thesis
     submitted to the Faculty of the Graduate Theological Union).
註11:1. Prasad, K. N., Studies in Buddhist and Jaina Monachism, (Bihar, 1972).
   2. Tatia, Nathmal, 'The Interaction of Jainism and Buddhism and Its Impact on the
     History of Buddhist Monasticism', in Studies in the History of Buddhism, Narain, A.
     K.(ed.), pp. 321-338. 註12:1. Prebish, C., 'The Pratimoksa Puzzle : Fact Versus Fantasy', JAOS 94.2 (1974),
     pp. 168-176.
   2. Collins, S., 'Khandhakacatta : Loss of Text in the Pali Vinayapitaka?', JPTS XV,
     pp. 127-138.
   3. Schopen, G., 'The Stupa Cult and the Extant Pali Vinaya', JPTS XIII (1989),
     pp. 83-100.
     (Hallisey, C., 'A Propos the Pali Vinaya as a Historical Document : A Reply to
     Gregory Schopen', JPTS 15 (1990), pp. 197-208.此篇是回應Schopen的主張).
   4. Von Oskar, Hinuber, 'The Arising of an Offence', JPTS XVI (1992), pp. 55-69.
   5. Ferry, Wisemans, 'The Case of the Murdered Monks', JPTS XVI (1992), pp. 71-75.
   6. Gombrich, R., 'The Monk in the Pali Vinaya : Priest or Wedding Guest?', JPTS 21
     (1995), pp. 193-197.
註13:1. Bloss, L. W., 'The Female Renunciants of Sri Lanka : The Dasasilmattawa', JIABS 10
     (1987), pp. 7-13.
   2. Kawanami, H., 'The Religious Standing of Burmese Buddhist Nuns : The Ten Precepts
     and Religious Respect Words', JIABS 13 (1990), pp. 17-39.
   3. Perera, L. P. N., Sexuality in Ancient India : A Study Based on the Pali
     Vinayapitaka, (Colombo, 1993).
   4. Nandasena, R., Crime and Punishmnet in the Buddhist Tradition, (New Delhi, 1993).
   5. Grero, Ananda C., An Analysis Theravada Vinaya in the Light of Modern Legal
     Philosophy, (Colombo, 1996).
   6. Huxley, A. S., 'The Vinaya : Legal System or Performance Enhacing Drug', The
     Buddhist Forum 4, Skorupski, T. (ed.), (London, 1996), pp. 141-163.
   7. Voyce, M., The Legal Aspects of Early Buddhist Vinaya, (London University Ph.D
     Thesis, 1982).
   8. Schopen, G., Bones, Stones and Buddhist Monks -- Collected Papers on the
     Archaeology, Epigraphy and Texts of Monastic Buddhism in India, (Honolulu :
     University of Hawaii Press, 1997).
註14:1. Nolot, Edith, "Studies in Vinaya Technical Terms I-III", JPTS Vol. XXII (1996
     ), pp. 73-151.
   2. Husken, Ute, 'The Application of the Vinaya Term Nasana', JIABS 20.2 (1997),
     pp. 94-111.
   3. 釋若學比丘尼, Problems in the Pli Bhikkhuni Vinaya : A Thematic study in
     Comparative perspective, (1999牛津大學博士論文, 出版中).
     此書探討了samagga samgha;sadiyati;vutthana 與upasampada等字在律藏的用法。
   版和羅馬字體版。(Prebish, Charles S. (1994), p. 116)
註17:Dutt, S., The Buddha and Five After Centuries, (London, 1957), p. 76.
註18:Rhys Davids and Oldenberg, H., Vinaya Texts, The Scared Books of the East Series,
   VIII, p. xiv.
註19:Winternitz, M., History of Indian Literature, II (Calcutta, 1933), p. 24.
註20:Dhirasekera, Jotiya, Buddhist Monastic Discipline, (Colombo, 1982), p. 13.
註21:Tattha pathamasangitiyam sangitanca asangitanca sabbampi samodhanetva ubhayani
   patimokkhani dve vibhangani dvavisati khandhaka solasaparivarati idam vinayapitakam
註22:Dhirasekera, Jotiya, Buddhist Monastic Discipline, p. 5.
註25:Thiradhammo Bhikkhu, 'Corrections to the Book of the Discipline', PTS vol. Xix (1993
   ), pp. 65-68.
註26:Skilling, P., 'A Note of the history of the Bhikkhuni-sangha (I) : Nuns at the
   time of the Buddha', W. F. B. Review vol. 31 (1994), p. 53. footnote 11.
註27:此部分相當於T. 1462, 24, pp. 643b - 694c18,但其中內容漢巴版有些出入。

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