正念热潮,世俗化和佛教灵修的商品化 - 中国人民大学 - 佛教与宗教学理论研究所 
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Lecture 2: “The Mindfulness Movement, Secularization, and the Commodification of Buddhist Spirituality” | 正念热潮,世俗化和佛教灵修的商品化  

4 月19日(周三)晚上6:00-7:30


主讲人:Mario Poceski    佛罗里达大学宗教学系教授

主持人:张风雷   中国人民大学佛教与宗教学理论研究所执行所长

评议人:惟     善  中国人民大学佛教与宗教学理论研究所副教授



One of the notable features of contemporary religious life is the global spread and local adaptation of a variety of religious teachings and practices. This lectures offers a critical analysis of the recent growth and popularity of the mindfulness movement, especially in an American context. It is especially concerned with the use of mindfulness techniques in non-Buddhist or secular settings, such as hospitals, schools, and corporations, often without any overt mention or acknowledgement of their Buddhist background.  Among the questions broached is whether such non-religious uses of mindfulness can be construed to constitute potentially problematic cases of cultural appropriation.



Mario Poceski, 佛罗里达大学宗教学系教授,致力于佛教和中国宗教研究。于 2000年获得加州大学洛杉矶分校,东亚语言和文化博士学位,主修佛教研究。 他曾先后在日本驹泽大学,斯坦福大学,新加波国立大学,德国汉堡大学,进行访问研究。并且获得了若干知名奖学金,包括 亚历山大. 汉米尔顿研究基金。Poceski 新近出版的书目如下:《群体的记忆和诠释:东亚佛教下重新想象和重新建构过去》(汉堡2017),《马祖语录和禅宗经典文学的形成》(牛津大学出版社2015),《威立布莱克威尔全书之东亚和内亚佛教》(布莱克威尔出版社2014),《中国宗教简介》(劳特利奇出版2009),《平常心即是道:洪州学派和禅宗佛教的发展》(牛津大学出版社2007)。他还发表了其他两本书,诸多文章和书中章节,涉及了佛教研究的不同方向。 

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Mario Poceski,a professor of Buddhist studies and Chinese religions at the Religion Department, University of Florida, received a PhD in East Asian Languages and Cultures, with specialization in Buddhist studies, from the University of California, Los Angeles (2000). He has spent extended periods as a visiting researcher at Komazawa University (Japan), Stanford University, the National University of Singapore, and the University of Hamburg (Germany), and has received several prestigious fellowships, including an Alexander vonHumboldt Research Fellowship. Poceski’smost recent books areCommunities of Memory and Interpretation: Reimagining and Reinventing the Past in East Asian Buddhism (Hamburg 2017, ed.),The Records of Mazu and the Making of Classical Chan Literature (Oxford 2015), The Wiley Blackwell Companion to East and Inner Asian Buddhism (Blackwell 2014),Introducing Chinese Religions (Routledge 2009), and Ordinary Mind as the Way: The Hongzhou School and the Growth of Chan Buddhism (Oxford 2007). His publications also include two other books and numerous articles and chapters on various aspects of Buddhist studies. 

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